
Parents guide to Writing

EYFS, Yr 1, Yr 2

The children have daily writing lessons.  There is a big emphasis on using all the sounds they have learnt during their phonics.  Children always write for a purpose and this is usually inked to their class topic.  Often children will learn a story by heart (for example the three little pigs) and they will use this as a template gradually changing the characters and settings to make it their own story.  At this stage children are asked to focus on writing very clear sentence chunks with a full stop and a capital at the beginning.  They are encouraged to use connectives like and to make their sentences bigger and to add lots of imaginative describing words.  We also have separate short handwriting lessons using a scheme called Pen Pals.

Yr 3, Yr 4, Yr 5, Yr 6

Older children also have a daily writing lesson.  Children always write for a purpose and this is usually linked to their class topic.  At this stage children learn how to arrange and develop their clear sentence chunks into longer more engaging texts.  The children are also taught more sophisticated grammar which allows them to express their ideas more clearly.  Children are encouraged to focus on the reader and their intended audience.  We also have separate short handwriting lessons using a scheme called Pen Pals.

How you can help at home

Have paper and pens and pencils at home (we can provide you with these if needed just ask the class teacher).  Encourage your child to write as much as possible.  Try to provide real reason to write e.g. shopping lists, present lists.  If your child does some writing at home bring it in to show the class teacher.  We will always make a big fuss of any child going out of their way to write at home.